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Anti-Fraud Statement

Dear Customer,

meufs'half will never ask for your financial account or credit card information through SMS, phone calls, or any other means. 
We will also never request you to visit a bank counter or operate an ATM through such methods.

If you receive such calls or messages, please be vigilant. Do not trust unknown caller instructions.
If in doubt, please contact meufs'half immediately or call the Anti-Fraud Hotline at 165 for verification.

When you receive calls with prefixes like "+", "+2", "+886", etc., please be extra cautious.
Be wary of callers who may alter phone numbers or impersonate specific companies, banks, or judicial agencies.
Do not click on unknown links, accept unfamiliar LINE friend invitations, or respond to suspicious SMS messages.

Common fraud tactics include claims like "duplicate orders" or "mistaken installment setup" to gain your trust,
then asking you to follow online banking or ATM operation procedures.

If the issue relates to banking matters, contact your bank directly.
If a caller asks you to operate your account or provide information, please refuse immediately to reduce the risk of fraud.

Additionally, regularly change your passwords, use strong passwords
 (a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters and numbers), and avoid entering your account details on public computers to enhance information security.

meufs'half wishes you well and encourages you to stay safe.

165 Anti-Fraud Website: https://165.npa.gov.tw/#/

meufs'half LINE@ ID: @meufshalf (include @)
meufs'half Customer Service Email: meufshalf@gmail.com